inscape ministries

A one-man “reader’s theater”

play on the life and

spirituality of St. Francis

So, was Francis crazy? Was he a fool? Crazy with Love? A fool for Christ embracing lepers and preaching to the birds? And just a bit mad to believe that God was proposing peace and non-violence as a way of life?

Come and decide for yourself!!!

He invites us into the adventure of holiness and helps us to see that who we call “St. Francis” in fact lives deep within each of us only awaiting our awakening to the call to the adventure of sanctity to which Jesus invites us. He shares famous moments from his own life and reveals their relevance to ours—and ends by sharing some of the “secrets of Jesus” that he learned.


David Hoover brings to life this inspiring spiritual teacher from the past. We learn of his deepest struggles and intuitions about the meaning of life and death, about prayer, mystical experience, war and peace --- and the way of universal compassion and non-violent love which flows from a life of union with God.

St. Francis: face to face, opened the door for our High School students to meet the Saint in prayerful storytelling and teaching.   Our students were drawn into reflection about their own calling and their place within the world.  They were given the opportunity to listen to words of wisdom and to meet holiness while learning of the life and times of Francis.   Best of all , they came to meet Jesus in the devotion of this saint as they were called to go and do what is there's to do.  We are so grateful for the gift David Hoover brought to us.   -Donald Levan, Director of Campus Ministry, Bishop Alemany High School.






“Francis, rebuild my Church which is falling into ruin…I want you to become a fool the likes of which the world has never seen.”

—what Francis said Jesus told him